Can I Get A Refund?

Can I Get A Refund?

What you need to know about refund requests

  • Our refund policy was made to be transparent so your experience is as smooth as possible and gives you a “fair go” by using a baseline standard
  • A refund request will be sent either to the item’s author or the Envato Help Team for review. All refund requests for items not on ThemeForest or CodeCanyon are sent directly to Envato.
  • If the author declines your refund request and you disagree with their decision, you can raise a dispute to have our Help Team investigate the claim.

If you’re looking for more information, we’ve created a more in-depth guide called How do refunds work?

Before requesting a refund

There’s a possibility that you can easily resolve the issue you’re facing with the item, before going through the process of requesting a refund.

  • Read the item’s installation guide and documentation
  • Check the item’s comments page, as you may find a solution to your issue there
  • Contact the author via the Support tab on the item page (if the item is supported)
  • Ensure the item is being used for its intended function and purpose (check the item description), Eg. is the item meant to be compatible with your WordPress software version?
  • Search our Help Center for the issue you are experiencing

How to request a refund

Envato Market Refund Rules to check if you are eligible for a refund.

To initiate the refund process, simply click on the button below. By doing so, you will be submitting a request for a refund.

Request a refund

What if the purchased item is no longer available?

There are several different reasons why an item may be removed from the market and therefore no longer available for download.

We recommend that you download and save an item as soon as you buy it, but if the item was removed before you had a chance to download it, refer to our Envato Market Refund Rules to check if you’re eligible for a refund.

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