Exporting a template kit allows you to reuse your designs on another website or share them with others. Here’s a step-by-step guide to exporting a template kit in Elementor:
1. Ensure Prerequisites
- Make sure you have Elementor Pro installed and activated. Template kits require Elementor Pro to manage and export custom designs.

2. Export Individual Templates
- To export a specific template (e.g., a page or section):
- Find the template in the list.
- Hover over it and click the Export Template option.
- The template will be downloaded as a .json file to your computer.
3. Export a Full Template Kit
- Go to Template Kit > Export

- Click Next or Export to generate the template kit. Elementor will create a .zip file containing all the templates and design assets. Download the .zip file to your computer.
- To export all templates as a kit:
- Elementor will create a ZIP file containing all the templates, global settings (e.g., fonts, colors), and other kit-related files.
- Save the ZIP file to your computer.
- Elementor will create a ZIP file containing all the templates, global settings (e.g., fonts, colors), and other kit-related files.
4. Verify the Exported Files
- After exporting, ensure the downloaded file is a valid .zip file containing all necessary assets.
- If you exported individual templates, verify you have all the .json files for reuse.
Tips for Exporting Template Kits
- Global Styles: Ensure your global fonts, colors, and other settings are saved before exporting so they’re included in the kit.
- Optimize Naming: Name your templates descriptively (e.g., “Home Page” or “Contact Section”) for easier management after export.
- Backup: Always keep a backup of your exported kits to prevent data loss.