Create a blog website

Creating a blog website in WordPress is a straightforward process. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you:

Step 1: Start Writing Content

1. Add Blog Posts:

  • Go to Posts > Add New.
  • Add a title, content, images, and format your post.

2. Categories and Tags:

  • Organize your posts with categories and tags for better navigation.

3. Use a Featured Image:

Set a featured image to visually represent your blog post.

Details in Image

  1. Visibility : for managing posts, you will direct the posts to public, private or access via password

  2. Publish : is a schedule setting for you to schedule posts and what time the post will be published

  3. Templates : determine how content is displayed when people view your site.

  4. Url : This is the link that you will copy after the post is published or scheduled

  5. Categories : In this category section you can add categories that suit the content of your blog

  6. Tags : Organize posts to help site visitor understand the topic of the post and find other post on the topic

  7. Featured Image : This is an attraction for the blog so that people want to visit our blog

  8. Typography : Typography can change fonts, can help us improve the readability, atmosphere, and overall aesthetic appeal of your site.

Step 2: Optimize for SEO

  1. Use SEO plugins to add meta titles, descriptions, and keywords.

  2. Optimize images with plugins like Smush.

  3. Ensure mobile responsiveness for better user experience.

Step 3: Launch Your Blog

  1. Test Your Blog: Preview how it looks on different devices and browsers.

  2. Promote Your Blog:
    • Share it on social media platforms.

    • Encourage friends and family to visit and provide feedback.

  3. Monitor Performance: Use tools like Google Analytics and Google Search Console to track traffic and optimize.

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